Monday, 12 August 2013

What is Mechanical Engineering?

Mechanical engineering is a broad discipline that deals with the improvement and modification of mechanical components (machines) and systems. A machine is an assembly of parts that work together to perform action(s).
This discipline of engineering uses the principles of physics and maths to apply them to the field of machines/ mechanics. Mechanical engineering covers the design and implementation of these systems. Mechanical engineering is also involved with the dynamic motion of machines, fluids, heat and structures among others.
A common misconception about mechanical engineers is that..........
they are like motor mechanics; however mechanics are only concerned with repairing, assembling and maintaining mechanical components. Mechanical engineers design, develop and improve these machines. Daily tasks range from design and calculation of components to the planning or supervision of a manufacturing process. Mechanical engineers utilise computer software for design and simulation. Graduates are capable of designing components by calculating how much force the component can withstand before breaking. The mechanical discipline is a blend of theoretical understanding and practical applications.
As much of the modern world is made up of machines, many industries require the services of mechanical engineers. Similarly with civil engineers, there are many career options within large companies whilst there is also freelance consulting demand for those with good skills.
In Pakistan Mechanical Engineers at entry level usually act as a bridge between the skilled labour and the higher management. They usually oversee the operations, maintenance and production as team leaders to achieve goals. Nowadays companies prefer hiring those individuals who not only posses technical abilities but also have a proven record of actively participating in various activities as a leader, having excellent communication skills is also needed to excel.

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